This Friday we decided to write about something the other has done that we have appreciated.

I always thought of myself as being a nice guy. I was never big on compliments though or making any real deal about special occasions. Don’t get me wrong, I loved a party as much as the next guy but never really put any thought into it and just went with what came to mind first.

Andrew Party

Liza on the other hand has always had a lovely way about understanding others. Gifts, compliments, words all seem to strike a chord with the person on the receiving end. She is able to find a way to celebrate people and circumstances like no one I have ever met.

celebrating thanksgiving

One of my favorite things Liza has done for me is taught me the joy of celebration. If you spend any time with the Sharpteam, you’ll hear quite a few “woohoos!”, random cheering and of course clapping. And when it comes to birthdays, we break out the singing and dancing.

It is something that has become part of who we are; we celebrate.

Cole Celebrating

Big moments, small moments and everything in between. It has made life much more fun, much less serious and much more enjoyable.

celebrating marriage

So thank you to the love of my life for helping me learn how to celebrate, wherever we are!

Celebrating in Spain